I wish you could hear the birds singing outside the office window at camp. The sounds of the birds, the evening chirping of the spring peepers, the drumming of the woodpeckers and all the rest of God’s creation singing of his Glory are all coming to life.
Yet another familiar sight and sound of spring…and therefore, Summer Camp…is Rick mowing. Did you catch that part about Summer Camp being soon?
In two weeks our first Summer Ministry Team member moves into camp. In four weeks our program specialists arrive, followed a week later by our Summer Ministry Team Leadership Staff. And then, June 2nd, we start welcoming the entire Summer Ministry Team.
Summer is getting so close.
If you haven’t yet registered, now would be a pretty good time.
If you have registered your kids for camp, it’s time to start preparing them for their camp experience. Once a week or so, mention how excited you are for them to be going to camp. If you went to camp, tell them you can’t wait to swap camp stories when you pick them up on the last day of their camp experience. Before you know it, our woods will be teaming with the gentle sounds of wildlife, the explosions of laughter from our campers, the whispers of prayers as lives are changed….and Rick or a volunteer; mowing.
What your favorite sound from Aldersgate?